“Rydyn ni wedi bod mor ffodus fel ysgol i gael cyd-weithio gyda Gwent N-gage dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Rydyn ni'ngwerthfawrogi'r gefnogaeth arbenigol mae anogwyr Gwent N-gage yn rhoi i'n pobl ifanc yn yr ysgol. Mae'r broses o atgyfeirio'nsyml a'r ymateb yn gyflym iawn. Mae'r adborth rydyn ni'n cael oddi wrth y bobl ifanc yma'n gadarnhaol iawn. Maen nhw'n barod iawn i fynegi cymaint o gymorth maen nhw'n ffeindio'r gefnogaeth a phamor hawdd yw e iddyn nhw siarad gyda'r anogwr o Gwent N-gage. Mae'r cyswllt rhwng yr anogwyr a'r ysgol yn rhwydd ac effeithiol hefyd.”.

“I would like to say a massive thank you for everything you have done for (young person) and myself, you have helped hugely and made such an impact, especially her future ahead”.

“Kirsty made me feel heard when it felt like no one else did. Kirsty felt there for me when no one else was. I found Kirsty to be really good at her job and it seems as though she really likes her job”.

“This was such a positive and useful intervention, I believe it has certainly helped and you go above & beyond. Thank you very much.”.

“You've really helped me, you really know what helps and it's really good you don't talk about drugs all the time, I can talk about other things that are important to me and you help me with those things”.

“Fantastic session! All questions answered, if in doubt, up to date answer relayed in minutes. Lisa & Louise are ace; they bounce off each other & the sessions just flow easily’”.

“Great trainers, as always, answering to any question raised with professionalism and examples given, for everybody to understand and also Q&A for us to engage and share our opinions/ experiences. 10 out of 10”.

“It was really interesting and structured well. Trainers both seemed approachable and knowledgeable. good interactive presentation. Thank you I really enjoyed it”.

“Incredibly professional without being stuffy, their communication of an in-depth and sometimes difficult subject was just right. I am in awe of their combined knowledge”.

“Thank you so much! It's been wonderful working with you and you've definitely helped me get to where I am today”.

“Thank u for the last 2 years and the support it was great working with you got to thank you again”.

“‘Fantastic.! Info. sent prior to course, content delivery on point & additional resources already received for post course referencing! ”.

“All the resources that you send me are really helpful”.